27 March, 2020
A daily routine will be very helpful. This will help reduce anxiety and boredom. A routine allows more flexibility than a strict unflexible schedule.
Wake up at the same time every day. Get dressed and eat breakfast.
Have a planned time for school lessons that can be changed if needs and wants change. Set aside activities in blocks of time. For example the first block may begin between 8:00 and 8:30. The second is between 9:30 and 10:00. The next block is between 10:30 and 11:00.
Between blocks can be a break to perhaps walk the dog, make a snack, or text.
One should not try to do everything everyday. Choose the activities/courses to cover each day for a week. Each day may have a different set of activities.
Create a draft of the planned routine.This plan will be different for each age group.
Early years, Primary grades K-8, Secondary grades 9-12, and College/Univeristy.
The afternoons may include activities, movies, on-line courses, or public television courses or shows.
Create time for fun activities, time to relax, time to be alone and quiet.
Accommodations for dyslexics are tools that help the student learn more efficiently.
1. Provide a quiet, neat space to work in. This space is best if it is not in their bedroom. The bedroom is their personal space that they can retreat to to get away from things.
2. Use graphic visual organizers. Let them see the plan.
3. Use technology for note taking, writing, reading, and reasearch. Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text, audio books, and touch screen devices.
4. Provide time for extra review and practice.
5. Read information, questions, and instructions aloud.
6. Allow for oral answers rather than written. Allow the student to explain what they mean.
7. Allow for time to process what is being asked of them. Let them hear and see the instructions before being asked to reply or do an activity.
This is not easy. Learning at home is a challenge and staying motivated needs help.
1. Plan your time. Know what you will be doing and when.
2. Give yourself breaks. Work in 30 minute chunks of time, then have a 10 minute break.
3. Have a specific place to work (dining table, home office, or kitchen).
4. Listen to music.
5. You cannot do everything, so reduce the amount of classes for each day. Quality rather than quantity.
6. Work in your bedroom as a treat. Your bedroom should stay separate from your work area, but once in a while it is a nice treat to work there.
7. Have a daily routine.
Everyone has their own learning style. A dyslexic person relies heavily on their strengths. Their methods may seem different, but these are what work for that individual.
Learning styles are:
1. Visual (spatial): prefer to use pictures, images, and spatial understanding. They like to see and watch to learn. Show me what to do.
2. Auditory (hearing): prefer to listen and hear through spoken word, music, and vibration.
3. Verbal (speech): prefer to use words to explain what they mean. They are talkers.
4. Physical (kinesthetic): prefer to use motion using whole body, hands, feet, sense of touch. Let me do it.
Curing and Overcoming Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a neurological condition that one is born with. It is the way one was created. There is nothing to cure or overcome. Dyslexia is a different way of learning, understanding, and interpreting information from all aspects of life.
"Dyslexia is a neurological condition caused by a different wiring of the brain. There is no cure for dyslexia and individuals with this condition must learn coping strategies. Research indicates that dyslexia has no relationship to intelligence. Individuals with dyslexia are neither more nor less intelligent than the general population. But some say the way individuals with dyslexia think can actually be an asset in achieving success." International Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia means a dyslexic person needs to learn how to learn, learn how to read, learn how to store and recall information. They also need to learn to decode, spell, write, and plan, These are the same as everyone else. Dyslexics learning is different and this means dyslexics need to learn how they learn so they can learn new things with greater ease, understanding, and to be able to use their knowledge.
There is no cure. There is no overcoming it. Living with dyslexia requires more practice with skills, More time to understand. More tools to help learn.
Dyslexia may offer a person a different way to interpret information and may lead to greater creativity, exploration, and the development of inventions.